Sharing My Favorite Writing Blog Links

writers-corner-mediumI recently read that Writer’s Digest named Jane Friedman’s blog one of the 101 best websites for writers. That’s quite an honor and well-deserved.

Ms. Friedman always has great advice for writers. I read her blog regularly.

Writer’s Digest magazine has been compiling a list of recommended websites and blogs for writers for seventeen years. That list is where I’ve found many of the writing sites I visit most often for advice about how to improve my craft or the nuances of the publishing business.

Today, as a break from my regular Make Me Think narrative blog, I thought I’d share links to the writing blogs I read frequently. Each is chocked full of good advice.

I’m sure there are other great blogs for writers out there. Do you have a link to a blog for writers you’d care to share?

Or any other blog links you’d like to share where you find great information…doesn’t have to be for writers only.

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